>> December | 2012
The Girl Behind the White Picket Fence
at the Colony Theater, Miami Beach,
Friday, December 7 at 10pm - Buy Tickets
at the Miami Beach Cinematheque
Sunday, December 9 at 5pm - Buy Tickets

The Girl Behind The White Picket Fence (60m, Germany) dir. by Stefanie Schneider. An artists world of movie stills, 'The Girl Behind the White Picket Fence' is a succession of Polaroid film stills. One after another, this film takes this to the limit and still delivers. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, flowing with the rhythm of the music or in the energy the film portrays. Gaps keeps the viewer paying close attention but this is no Instagram lark, this is real analog Polaroid film. This is a one off, a complete window into an artists mind as she sees the world. Sunny, hot, in love, open spaces evoking freedom but also banishment. This film started out with a vision of grand collectiveness with all participants coming from Schneider's time in Hollywood ranging from directors to actors, producers to agents and writers to weirdos. The American dream was alive and well in this motley group who fell in love with Schneider's idea to capture a story about love on Polaroid film. The center of this story is the 'Lonely Hearts Radio Station' DJ, who talks to the searching broken hearted in the southern Californian desert. A sad young girl calls in to better understand what is going on which results in an unexpected chain of events. Main characters: Hans, the mystic played by the veteran actor Udo Kier. Heather's a young girl who's lost her parents played by Heather Megan Christie. Radio station DJ played by the comic Steve Marshall. Hank is the local garbage man played by Kyle Larson.
Light Assembly is both a film festival like no other, and a mass-scale showcase of video art and architecture. In the last decade, visual artists such as Miranda July, Steve McQueen and Julian Schnabel have legitimized the crossover from visual art to filmmaking. Light Assembly is the first-ever film festival dedicated to assisting artists in that crossover between art and film. Light Assembly is also a pilot video art and architecture exposition program unique in the world. Conceived as a beta of Time Zones Chicago, planned for premier in late Summer of 2013, the goal of Light Assembly is to combine large-scale video art projection with the citywide canvas of Miami Beach and mainland Miami’s modern architectural marvels and historic landmarks.
For Sales or Artist information please contact Christian Hohmenn Fine Art, Palm Desert | Telephone (760) 346-4243 & (877) 977-CHFA toll free | E-mail email@christianhohmann.com
Please visit Christian Hohmann at the Red Dot Art Fair, Booth D104. Location Wynwood Art District. 3011 NE 1st Ave at NE 31st Street
>> Drawing January 13, 2012, 7 pm | 2012
Kunst zu verlosen ! // Art to raffle off !
Zur Unterstützung der Arbeit der KW Institute for Contemporary Art haben die KW Freunde dem Haus nahe stehende Künstler, Galeristen und Sammler gewinnen können, 60 Werke für eine außergewöhnliche Kunstlotterie zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Lose zu je 100 Euro können an der Kasse der KW sowie über die Website der KW Freunde www.kw-freunde.de erworben werden.
Art to raffle off! KW Freunde initiates art lottery in support of KW Institute for Contemporary Art
To support the work of KW Institute for Contemporary Art, KW Freunde (Friends of KW) has been able to convince artists, gallery owners and collectors close to the institution to provide 60 works for an extraordinary art lottery. The lots cost 100 € each and can be acquired at the KW ticket office and at the KW Freunde website: www.kw-freunde.de.
The official drawing will take place at KW on January 13, 2012.
From the December 3, works by Fritz Balthaus, Heike Baranowsky, Oliver van den Berg, Monika Brandmeier, Monica Bonvicini, Clara Brörmann, Marcel Bühler, Angela Bulloch, Patty Chang, Martin Creed, Mariechen Danz, Kate Davis, Michele Di Menna, Wim Delvoye, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Martin Eder, Tim Eitel, Olafur Eliasson, Thomas Eller, Sabine Fassl, Douglas Gordon, Philip Grözinger, Uwe Henneken, Leiko Ikemura, Allan Kaprow, Kartenrecht, Markus Keibel, Annette Kelm, Clemens Krauss, Via Lewandowsky, Walter Libuda, Helen Mirra, Ingo Mittelstaedt, Adrian Lohmüller, Michael Müller, Carsten Nicolai, Florian Neufeldt, Klaus Pichler, Friederike von Rauch, Thomas Rentmeister, Cornelia Renz, Anselm Reyle, Pipilotti Rist, Jakob Roepke, Albrecht Schäfer, Stefanie Schneider, Iris Schomaker, Albrecht Schnider, Markus Sendlinger, Katharina Sieverding, Dirk Skreber, Andrea Stappert, Natascha Stellmach, Stefan Strumbel, Jeffrey Teuton, Anton Unai, Brigitte Waldach, Patricia Waller, Judi Werthein, XOOOOX, Krzysztof Zielinski can be viewed on Saturdays and Sundays at KW.
KW Freunde was founded in 1996 to support the cultural program of KW Institute for Contemporary Art. Every year they support an exhibition as well as a series of other initiatives by the institute. KW Freunde members receive free admission to KW, the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, and international partner institutions including the Kunsthalle in Vienna, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and the MoMA PS1 in New York. Membership also includes exclusive previews of KW exhibitions with the curators and artists, invitations to special organized studio tours and art trips, as well as to openings, artist talks and other KW events.
KW Institute for Contemporary Art + KW Freunde
Auguststraße 69
10117 Berlin
Viewing of the works included in the lottery:
December 3 – 18, 2011, every Sat + Sun, 12 – 7 pm
January 7 – 8, 2012, 12 – 7 pm
Drawing: January 13, 2012, 7 pm
KW Freunde
Sabine Bärenklau, Tel. 030. 24345948, sb@kw-feunde.de
Press contact:
BUREAU N cultural communications
Silke Neumann, Tel. 030. 30874085, silke.neumann@bureau-n.de
>> December | 2012
Stranger Than Paradise
Christian Hohmann Fine Art, Palms Desert
Vernissage Saturday, December 15th, 2012, 6-8pm

After moving to Los Angeles in the late ‘90s Schneider has been showing us her outsider’s view of the area and its sunlit stark character through the classic shades of Polaroid and muted hues indigenous to the region and its atmospheres.
Inspired by an early love of 1970s films depicting American living and an eye for the light in the West, she concocts a vast array of pictorial narratives hinting at something just below the surface of her raw and quirky ingénues and heat wave drenched heroes. Viewers waffle between a sense of being invited in to view the spectacle and simultaneously acting as voyeur.
Schneider received her MFA in Communication Design at the Folkwang Schule Essen, Germany. Her work has been shown at the Museum for Photography, Braunschweig, Museum für Kommunikation, Berlin, the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt, the Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden, Kunstverein Bielefeld, Museum für Moderne Kunst Passau, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Foto -Triennale Esslingen. Schneider’s works are represented in public collections as well as being represented in prestigious private collections internationally.
Most recently, she has directed a movie with actor and fellow valley resident Udo Kier, which will be shown in Miami this year in a film festival during the Art Basel Week.
contact info
{ Christian Hohmann Fine Art, 73660 El Paseo, Palm Desert, CA 92260 } | Telephone (760) 346-4243 & (877) 977-CHFA toll free | RSVP for the Venissage is much appreciated to Christian Hohmann: email@christianhohmann.com
>> May 30, 2012, 6.30 pm | 2012
Biennial Art Auction 2012
Museum of Modern Art San Diego
curated by Hugh Davies
Artworks on view May 21 until May 29

Untitled (Oilfields), lot#64, c-print, 24x 24inches, Courtesy of Scott White Contemporary Art, $2,000.00 - $4,000.00
The 2012 Biennial Art Auction is one of MCASD’s most popular and exciting events. This year's auction will feature a live and silent auction of artworks donated by internationally recognized artists and emerging contemporary artists. Lydia Fenet, senior vice president and director of strategic partnerships for Christie’s New York, will preside as auctioneer.
The silent auction begins at 6:30 PM and includes informal curatorial tours as well as cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres. The live auction begins at 8 PM and will include coffee and desserts. A live closing of select silent auction works will conclude the evening.
Guests at this year’s auction will be delighted to have exclusive access to special-edition auction paddles created by artist Ryan McGinness. These limited quantity paddles are available to Gold Circle ticket purchasers, and to general ticket holders should quantities last. Gold Circle ticket holders will also enjoy preferred seating, recognition in the program, advance curatorial tours (by appointment), and a VIP Preview Reception on Thursday, May 24.
All funds raised through the 2012 Biennial Art Auction will support MCASD’s art acquisitions, exhibitions, and education programs.
This year’s impressive roster of contemporary artists whose works will be available for purchase include Ai Weiwei, David Adey, Peter Alexander, John Baldessari, Tim Bavington, Barry Bell, Larry Bell, Mike Berg, Tim Bessell, Ross Bleckner, Mel Bochner, Kelsey Brookes, Christo, Lael Corbin, Mary Corse, Mara de Luca, Roman de Salvo, Lewis deSoto, Spencer Finch, Charles Gaines, Steve Gibson, Thomas Glassford, Mike Glier, Joe Goode, Iva Gueorguieva, Stephen Hannock, James Hayward, Jim Hodges, Jay Johnson, Isaac Julien, John Oliver Lewis, Margie Livingston, Jean Lowe, Luce et Studio Architects, Shana Lutker, Kim MacConnel, Heather Gwen Martin, Jessica McCambly, Ryan McGinness, Richard Allen Morris, Enrico Natali, Helen Pashgian, Marcos Ramirez ERRE, David Reed, Philipp Scholz Rittermann, Ed Ruscha, Christopher Russell, Stefanie Schneider, Andrew Schoultz, Jennifer Steinkamp, Ryan Taber, John Valadez, Perry Vasquez, Feodor Voronov, Stephanie Washburn, Barbara Weldon, and Jack Whitten.
Selected by MCASD curator Hugh Davies, the artworks will be on view in the galleries at MCASD La Jolla from Monday, May 21 to Tuesday, May 29.
>> May 05 - June 16 | 2012
Galerie Catherine et André Hug, Paris
Kourtney Roy mêle la fiction et l’autoportrait. Elle explore les aspects sublimes et étranges de la vie quotidienne dans des mises en scènes pleines de tension et de mystère . Pour Eric Weeks la muse est prétexte à un potentiel narratif de la photographie ou la couleur, la lumière, le paysage et le portrait ne sont jamais le fruit du hasard. A l’aide de la technique Polaroid, parfaitement adaptée aux instantanés, Stefanie Schneider donne à ses images de muses de magnifiques effets picturaux, obtient des effets spéciaux et des flous.
Informations pratiques
Vernissage samedi 18 juin 2011 de 16h à 20h, Exposition du 16 juin au 30 juillet 2011 { Galerie Catherine et André Hug, 2, rue de l’échaudé / 40, rue de Seine, 75006 Paris }
>> July 11 - August 26 | 2012
Straßenfotografie aus der DZ BANK Kunstsammlung

Die Straße als Schauplatz des Alltags und urbanes Merkmal übt von jeher eine besondere Faszination auf Fotografinnen und Fotografen aus. "Road Atlas" vereint erstmals rund 150 Fotografien aus der DZ Bank Kunstsammlung zum Thema Straße: 26 Positionen und 70 Jahre Straßenfotografie.
Das Spektrum der von Dr. Beate Kemfert, Kuratorin und Stiftungsvorstand der Opelvillen, und Dr. Christina Leber, Leiterin der DZ BANK Kunstsammlung, ausgewählten Fotografien zeigt Straßen rund um den Globus in der Zeitspanne der Nachkriegsfotografie bis heute. Die Fotografien halten Gebäudeansichten, Alltagssituationen sowie radikale Veränderungen im Bild fest und dokumentieren so Zeiten des Wohlstands, der Stagnation und Spuren des Verschwindens städtischer Räume. Darüber hinaus zeigen sie Menschen des urbanen Raums.
Bis heute hat die Straße in der Fotografie eine besondere Bedeutung. Neben kulturellen Phänomenen üben formale Kriterien und lineare Qualitäten dauerhaft Anziehungskraft aus.
Der Reigen der vorgestellten Fotografinnen und Fotografen beginnt bei Helen Levitt (1913-2009), der Klassikerin der Street Photography, und endet bei Zeitgenossen wie Pieter Hugo (*1976).
Mit über 6000 fotografischen Werken von mehr als 550 Künstlerinnen und Künst- lern zählt die DZ BANK Kunstsammlung zu den bedeutendsten Sammlungen, die sich mit dem fotografischen Bild auseinandersetzt.
Die Ausstellung ist nach den Opelvillen vom 11. Juli bis zum 26. August 2012 im Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk, Cottbus zu sehen www.museum-dkw.de, im Frühjahr 2013 in der Kunsthalle Erfurt www.kunsthalle-erfurt.de und im Sommer 2013 in der DZ Bank, Frankfurt www.dzbank-kunstsammlung.de.
Fotografinnen und Fotografen: Nobuyoshi Araki, Ursula Arnold, René Burri, Gregory Crewdson, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Pietro Donzelli, Valie Export, Arno Fischer, Robert Häusser, Naoya Hatakeyama, Pieter Hugo, Gerd Kittel, Barbara Klemm, Helen Levitt, Will McBride, Aernout Mik, John Miller, Ryuji Miyamoto, Jean-Luc Moulène, Marcel Odenbach, Arnold Odermatt, Stefanie Schneider, Stephen Shore, Anatolij Shuravlev, Beat Streuli, Thomas Struth.
Brandenburgische Kulturstiftung Cottbus | Uferstraße / Am Amtsteich 15 | 03046 Cottbus | >> Road Atlas - Straßenfotografie
>> March 22 - June 01 | 2012
presents Selling Sex
a group exhibition with Alidra Alic, Cortney Andrews, Una Burke, Liz Cohen, Inge Jacobsen, Charlotte Kingsnorth, Atsuko Kudo, Sarah Lucas, Kim McCarty, Malerie Marder, Marianne Maric, Lisa Z. Morgan, Ione Rucquoi, Stefanie Schneider, Suzannah Sinclair, Christiana Soulou, Vahge, Shiri Zinn, and others. And as always, the exhibition will be accompanied by a series of live streams, projects and performances.
It is a well known fact that the majority of images we consume are created by men, and too often is feminism an easy target for commodification in the wider context of contemporary culture. SHOWstudio has decided to examine this 'self-other' relationship and curate an exhibition about sex, as seen exclusively from a female perspective. The exhibition opens 22nd March 2012.
We all like to hope that times have changed and the war of the sexes is less like a war and more like a sophisticated dialogue. And yet, when you consider that only 5% of all the artists in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection in 1989 were women, while the Louvre today still has no female artists in their collection of over 35,000 artworks, it's a pretty shocking state of affairs. The facts suggest that the war still needs to happen.
At the Museum of Modern Art, only 8% of the work exhibited are created by women. The Tate's female holdings? A whopping 15%. Meanwhile it's just as bleak in commercial galleries. In 2010, an average of 23% of gallery shows in NY and London featured female artists. What's more, is that this imbalance doesn't only exist in fine art. It's in Fashion, with the leading fashion photographers creating the leading fashion campaigns mostly being men. And it's in Film, where women hold only 33% of all speaking roles and 7% of all Directors in Hollywood are women. And, the real kicker? There are still ONLY three industries in which women earn more money than men - Pornography, Prostitution and Modelling. What does that tell us?
Well, for one, the statistics don't lie. We live in a world where man's version of the world is more prevalent than woman's which in turn means that the majority of images we see of women are created by men.So, for this exhibition at SHOWstudio Shop we decided to take a look exclusively at what a woman's version of a woman looks like. Is it different? Is it the same as a man's? Is an image of a nude woman somehow empowered in the hand's of a female artist? Does it resist all those traditionally constructed gender roles? Does it mock an unavoidably voyeuristic male gaze? Do the women confront? Or, do we see yet more examples of the female constantly diverting her own eye, facilitating her status as the object to be looked at verses ever being the subject doing the looking, as Laura Mulvey writes in her classic essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema?" And is John Berger still right? Though also some 20 years old, in his often-referenced "Ways of Seeing" he contends that "men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves.The surveyor of women in herself is male: the surveyed female. Thus she turns herself into an object – and most particularly an object of vision: a sight." Does all this still hold true? And if a woman creates an image of a woman, is the male perspective so engrained that she still creates a to-be-looked-at female?
We are aware of the potential short fallings of such a exhibition.We know we're tipping the imbalance right back the other way. We know we are ghettoizing work by women in their own unique female grotto. And we know we're not launching the major survey show that this should be in our Mayfair gallery. But, we feel, it's a start. It's a conversation. And one that we hope helps us all emerge just a little more aware of just how male gendered our visual culture really is and a little less willing to put up with it.
Gallery Information
contact phone: +44 207 399 4299 // fax: +44 207 499 8225
Reception Thursday, June 16, 19.00h

»Untitled«, 2011, PX 680 Colorshade Push, 9x11cm (Original)
Eröffnet anlässlich der Feier von 10 Jahren WestLicht und 20 Jahren Leica Shop.
Gallery Information
{ WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie, Westbahnstrße 40,1070 Vienna } Contact Phone + 43 (0)1 522 66 36 | E-mailinfo@westlicht.com | Site www.westlicht.com