>> JULY 10 - AUGUST 04  |   2001


address now:
5795 West Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
phone 323.933-2117, fax 323.933-3997



Five photos in a row: the address of a decrepit house; a thrashed US flag awash in sunlight; a pokerfaced waif staring into the distance; and both close-up and long shots of a young stud at a pay phone. Like stills from a Ralph Lauren Polo commercial transmuted into a bizarre alternate universe, Stefanie Schneider's color prints—blowups from standard Polaroids—are all-American in a troubling way. Her images read like frames from narratives we never get. OK Corral, 2001, for example, presents a young man in a desert setting: first far in the distance; then close enough to make out the fact that he's holding a rifle; then right in your face and looking despondent. Instead of a clearly delineated story, Schneider offers intimations, a suggestive lack of specificity reinforced by the prematurely aged look achieved by using long-expired Polaroid stock. In Streetcorner, 2000, she depicts a young woman watching and a man just about to slip into a building. You pick the sound track to play in your head. The number of possible endings to these stories is endless.

—Christopher Miles


>> APRIL 01 - MAY 20  |   2001
Ausstellungshalle zeitgenössische Kunst Münster

Night on Earth - Fotografie und Videokunst

Photographs and videoworks by: Henry Bond, Adam Chodzko, Alain Declercq, David Deutsch, Serge de Waha, Willie Doherty, Alicia Framis, Hatty Lee, Seamus Nicolson, Matthew McCaslin, Sophy Rickett, Stefanie Schneider

The night, the time of darkness, is the topic of exhibition Night on Earth. Curated by Ralf Christofori, curator of the internationally acclaimed exhibition Colour Me Blind!, Night on Earth triggers memories of Jim Jarmusch’s unforgettable homage to night in the 20th Century.

In both Jarmusch’s film and this exhibition, nightlife is investigated as an unavoidable part of our contemporary reality. The exhibition is centred on a theme that has become a leitmotif of the Hawerkamp exhibition programme: showing artworks that see their aesthetic potential in their ability to illumine aspects of our life from the social and societal angle. Once again in this Hawerkamp show, connections, structures and ways of behaving are revealed, showing the complexity of our everyday lives.